Sunday, October 27, 2013

Daily Routine Question No. 11 : How did I went back home?

I ride 2 jeepneys and 2 tricycle with my nearby classmate, Gab.

Daily Routine Question No. 10 : What did I do and learned from my teacher in after lunch class?

After Math-111, i immediately answer my homeworks in the library.

Daily Routine Question No. 9 : What is my class after Lunch?

My class after lunch is Math-111.

Daily Routine Question No. 8 : Whom I with when taking my Lunch.

I`m with my friends and classmates when I take my lunch.

Daily Routine Question No. 7 : Where did I take my Lunch?

I take my lunch usually at the DBC canteen with my friends.

Daily Routine Question No. 6 : What did I do and learned from my teacher?

I do some stuffs in the library of DBC, and I learned from my teacher that everything in this world is changing. Nothing is permanent.